Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fevers in Kids

I get calls pretty often that sound something like this "Sarah, baby has a fever and I don't know what to do next."  Since the time I first got pregnant I'm always reading about what to do should baby get sick. So... When to call Doc?  I share this info with everyone, or anyone who will listen to me.  :)  Over the years we've adapted this strategy for my kids.  (BY NO MEANS AM I A DR.  You should always talk with your own Dr about what is best for your child.)  When our kids get sick and run a fever I dress them in light clothing, pump them full of liquid, lay a damp warm wash rag across their neck, inside of elbow and forehead for as long as they'll allow it and medicate if they are terribly cranky.  I don't jump immediately to medicine.  Fever is the body's nature defense and we try to keep the kids comfortable and allow the body to do it's own medicine.  Know your child and know his or her normal temperature.  I know that my kids run a little lower then "normal" so a "normal" fever may actually be higher for them.  I have our pediatricians phone number programmed into my phone along with our local Children's Mercy Hospital Nurse Line 866-399-5941.  Oh, I also have Poison Control, 1-800-222-1222, in my phone because YES we've had to use it.

Here goes nothing...

Okay!  For all of my family and friends who have told me for years I should it goes.  YOU better comment so I know I'm not just talking to myself!